

Litania i poezja

Witold Sadowski, Litania i poezja: Na materiale literatury polskiej od XI do XXI wieku (Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2011). The first in Polish humanities study on litany written by an academic in the field of theory of literature with the use of the methods of historical and theoretical poetics. The book contains a concise reconstruction […]

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Litanic Verse I

Litanic Verse I: Origines, Iberia, Slavia et Europa Media (Frankfurt am Main:  Peter Lang, 2016). The book contains comparative analyses of the development of litanic verse in European poetry, from medieval to modern times. Litanic verse is based on different syntactic devices, such as enumeration, parallelism, anaphora and epiphora. However, it is not to be […]

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Litanic Verse II

Litanic Verse II: Britannia, Germania et Scandinavia (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016). The essays in the second volume focus on litanic verse in the Germanic languages. They discuss predominantly the literatures of Protestant countries (Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden), but also Austrian poetry.

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Litanic Verse III: Francia

Magdalena Kowalska, Litanic Verse III: Francia (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018). Despite the numerous famous examples of «les litanies» in French poetry, the manner in which the structures of this form of worship affect the versification strategies of poems has not previously been discussed thoroughly. Litanic verse, whose origins are as ancient as those of the […]

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Litanic Verse IV: Italia

Magdalena Maria Kubas, Litanic Verse IV: Italia (Berlin: Peter Lang 2018). Litanic verse is based on different syntactic and rhetorical devices, such as enumeration, parallelism, anaphora, and epiphora. Its Italian variants are not to be seen as a mere convention of versification, but as a multifactorial phenomenon, which involves semantic and performative aspects as well. […]

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Sadowski EN

European Litanic Verse: A Different Space-Time

Witold Sadowski, European Litanic Verse: A Different Space-Time (Berlin: Peter Lang 2018). This fifth volume in the Litanic Verse series is centered upon the poetics of European litanic verse (genre structure, rhythm, rhetorical figures), as well as its philosophy and cosmology, with a particular focus on the space-time matrix within which the litanic world is […]

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Europejski wiersz litanijny. W innej czasoprzestrzeni

Witold Sadowski, Europejski wiersz litanijny. W innej czasoprzestrzeni (Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2018). This publication is centered upon the origin of litanic verse and the roots of its specific rhythmic form, genre structure and rhetorical figures, as well as the space-time matrix within which the litanic world is depicted. Theoretical considerations are accompanied by examples […]

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The Litany in Arts and Cultures

Witold Sadowski and Francesco Marsciani (eds.), The Litany in Arts and Cultures (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2020). The articles in this book encompass a broad historical panorama and consider the presence of litanic prayers and songs in different religions, beginning with written records in the Egyptian, Sumerian and Hebrew languages and finishing with Christian works from diverse […]

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Prosodic Memory

Witold Sadowski, Prosodic Memory: Claudel ― Eliot ― Liebert, “Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo” 2013, 3(6), 1. Summary In this paper prosodic memory is considered to be a collection of all past experiences of speech, sound and rhythm that are activated during the reception of a linguistic text. Although the resources of prosodic memory are accumulated in […]

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Kubas. Litania come strategia

Litania come strategia retorica

Magdalena Maria Kubas, Litania come strategia retorica nelle Laudi del Bianco da Siena, “Bullettino Senese di Storia Patria”, CXII (2015). The aim of the essay is to analyze the link between Il Bianco da Siena’s poetry and the the litany. In the large corpus of Laudi by this author the litany is a source of textual […]

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